Stand Together. Defend With Courage. Fight for Justice.

MACDL Bylaws Article VIII


Section 1. Standing Committees: The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, shall constitute and appoint the following Standing Committees, in addition to the Executive Committee, to assist in the supervision, management and control of the affairs of the corporation, with responsibilities and powers appropriate to the nature of the several committees, and as provided by the Board of Directors in the resolution of appointment or in subsequent resolutions or directives. Each Standing committee so constituted and appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors, and the members thereof shall include at least one (1) member of the Board of Directors and such other persons as the President may designate. Each Standing committee shall be headed by a Chairperson who shall be selected by the President. In the event that a Chairperson shall resign during their appointment, the President shall promptly designate a successor.

In addition to such obligations and functions as may be expressly provided for by the Board of Directors, each Standing Committee so constituted and appointed by the Board of Directors shall from time to time report to and advise the Board of Directors on corporate affairs within its particular area of responsibility and interest. The Standing Committee of the corporation and a general declaration of their areas of responsibility and interest are as follows:

(a) Amicus Committee: The general responsibility of the Amicus Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of pending appellate proceedings involving legal issues, the resolution of which will have a material impact upon substantive and/or procedural law and the general practice of criminal law within the State of Missouri; the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such pending appellate proceedings; and the creation of liaison between the corporation and the third-parties with regard to the preparation and filing of amicus briefs in pending appellate proceedings.

(b) Awards Committee: The general responsibility of the Awards Committee shall be to accept and review all nominations of all awards referred by the association. Following the review of all nominations the committee shall provide to the Board of Directors a list of recommended recipients for the awards to be presented.

(c) By-Laws & Resolutions Committee: The general responsibility of the By-Laws & Resolutions Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of existing and proposed modifications to the By-Laws of the corporation, the formulation, drafting and submission to the Board of Directors of resolutions regarding the policy proclamations of the corporation; and the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such matters.

(d) Continuing Legal Education Committee: The general responsibility of the Continuing Legal Education Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of matters pertaining to the continuing legal education of members of the legal profession, and the formulation, staffing presentation, supervision and sponsorship of continuing legal education seminars and programs. The Continuing Legal Education Committee Shall be responsible for the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to legal education matters.

(e) Indigent Defense: The general responsibility of the Indigent Defense Committee shall be to act as a liaison between the Association and the Missouri State Public Defender Commission and the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of issues relating to indigent defense and the state public defender.

(f) Legislative Committee: The general responsibility of the Legislative Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of existing state statutes, state regulations, municipal ordinances and court rules and the potential impact of the same upon the legal/judicial system of the State of Missouri; the formulation, drafting, endorsement and promotion of proposed legislation supported by the Board of Directors; the identification, solicitation, procurement and presentation of witnesses willing to present testimony to legislative committees of the Missouri House of Representatives and the Missouri Senate in support of, or in opposition to, proposed legislation; and the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such matters.

(g) Membership Committee: The general responsibility of the Membership Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of applications and nominations for membership in the corporation; the promotion and expansion of membership in the corporation; and the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such matters.

(h) Political Action Committee: The general responsibility of the Political Action Committee (PAC) shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of partisan political election or appointment of individuals to state, county and municipal offices, the exercise of executive, legislative and/or judicial authority from which may potentially impact substantive and/or procedural laws of the State of Missouri, or the practice of criminal law therein. The PAC Committee shall additionally be responsible for the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such matters.

(i) Publications Committee: The general responsibility of the Publications Committee shall be the investigation, analysis, evaluation and consideration of matters relating to publication of the "MACDL Newsletter” and other periodic publications authorized by the Board of Directors, as well as the formulation and communication of observations, opinions, recommendations and/or responses to the Board of Directors with regard to such matters.

Section 2. Special Committees: The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may constitute and appoint Special Committees, in addition to the Executive Committee, to assist in the supervision, management, and control of the affairs of the corporation, with responsibilities and powers appropriate to the nature of the several committees and as provided by the Board of Directors in the resolution of appointment or in subsequent resolutions and directives. Each committee so constituted and appointed by the Board of Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and the members thereof shall include at least one (1) member of the Board of Directors and such additional persons as the Board of Directors may designate.

In addition to such obligations and functions as may be expressly provided for by the Board of Directors, each Committee so constituted and appointed by the Board of Directors shall from time to time report to and advise the Board of Directors on corporate affairs within its particular area of responsibility and interest.


MACDL Annual Membership Meeting

April 23-25, 2025
Westin Crown Center
Kansas City, MO

More details and to Register

MACDL Board Calendar

  • April 25, 2025
  • July 24, 2025
Be sure to RSVP to MACDL if you plan to attend.

CLE Calendar

MACDL is an accredited provider of CLE in Missouri. 


101 East High Street, Suite 200
P. O. Box 1543
Jefferson City, MO 65102


Email: info "at"
Phone: 573 636-2822

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