Stand Together. Defend With Courage. Fight for Justice.

Lew Kollias Award

Melinda Pendergraph (2006)
Mary Joe Smith (2008)
Michael Byrne (2009)
Karen Kraft (2009)
Laura Martin (2010)
Matthew Larsen (2012)
Mark Evans (2014)
Willard Bunch (2015)
Ellen Blau (2017)
Damien De Loyola (2019)
Michael Barrett (2019)
Lee Lawless (2021)
Felicia Jones (2023)
Lucille Liggett (2024)


MACDL Board Calendar

  • August 2, 2024
Be sure to RSVP to MACDL if you plan to attend.

CLE Calendar

MACDL is an accredited provider of CLE in Missouri. 


101 East High Street, Suite 200
P. O. Box 1543
Jefferson City, MO 65102


Email: info "at"
Phone: 573 636-2822

Copyright © 2003-2019 MACDL - All Rights Reserved.  Hosted / Supported by Humanspan.